Northern Ireland. Северная Ирландия

Northern Ireland, integral part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, situated in the northeastern portion of the island of Ireland. Northern Ireland is bounded on the north and northeast by the North Channel, on the southeast by the Irish Sea, and on the south and west by the Republic of Ireland. It includes Rathlin Island in the North Channel and several smaller offshore islands. Northern Ireland is also known as Ulster, because it comprises six of the nine counties that constituted the former province of Ulster.

Land. The total area of Northern Ireland is 14,148 sq km (5463 sq mi). Northern Ireland has an extreme northern to southern extension of about 135 km (about 85 mi) and an extreme eastern to western extension of about 175 km (about 110 mi). The shoreline is characterized by numerous irregularities and is about 530 km (about 330 mi) long. The major indentations are Lough Foyle in the north and Belfast, Strangford, and Carlingford loughs in the east. A striking feature of the northern coast is the Giant"s Causeway, a rock formation consisting of thousands of closely placed, polygonal pillars of black basalt. The country consists mainly of a low, flat plain in the approximate center of which is Lough Neagh (about 390 sq km/about 150 sq mi), the largest lake in the British Isles. Other important lakes are Lough Erne and Upper Lough Erne. Apart from several isolated elevations, three major areas of considerable height are the Sperrin Mountains in the northwest, the Antrim Plateau along the northeastern coast, and the Mourne Mountains in the southeast. The highest point in the country is Slieve Donard (852 m/2796 ft), a peak in the Mourne Mountains. The chief rivers are the Foyle River, which forms part of the northwestern boundary and flows into Lough Foyle at Londonderry, and the Upper Bann and Lower Bann rivers. The former rises in the Mourne Mountains and empties into Lough Neagh; the latter flows out of Lough Neagh to the North Channel. Among the many other rivers are the Main, Blackwater, Lagan, Erne, and Bush. Because of the generally flat terrain, drainage is poor, and the areas of marshland are extensive.

Climate. The climate of Northern Ireland is mild and damp throughout the year. The prevailing westerly winds from the Gulf Stream are largely responsible for the lack of extreme summer heat and winter cold. The average annual temperature is approximately 10 C (50 F); temperatures average about 14.4 C (about 58 F) in July and about 4.4 C (about 40 F) in January. Rainfall is distributed evenly during the year. The annual precipitation frequently exceeds 1016 mm (40 in) in the north and is about 760 mm (about 30 in) in the south. The level of humidity is high.

Natiral Resources. The most valuable natural resources of Northern Ireland are its fertile soil and rich pasturelands. Natural waterpower is abundant. The chief minerals are basalt, limestone, sand and gravel, granite, chalk, clay, and shale; bauxite, iron ore, and coal also are found in small amounts. Peat is important as a fuel. Plants and Animals. In general, the plants and animals of Northern Ireland are similar to those of the island as a whole. The only distinctive plant is a species of wild orchid, Spiranthes stricta, found in the valleys of the Upper and Lower Bann rivers. Distinctive species of animal life include the pollan, a freshwater variety of whitefish found in Lough Neagh and Lough Erne. Population. The majority of the people are of Scottish or English ancestry and are known commonly as the Scotch-Irish. The remainder of the population is Irish, principally native to Ulster. English is the sole official language. Unlike the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland does not encourage the use of the Gaelic language.

Population Characteristics. The population of Northern Ireland (1992 preliminary) was 1,610,300. The overall density was about 113 persons per sq km (about 295 per sq mi). The population is unevenly distributed, with greater concentrations in the eastern half. It is almost equally divided between urban and rural dwellers.

The capital and largest city of Northern Ireland is Belfast (population, 1991 preliminary, 279,237), which is surrounded by heavy industries including shipbuilding and textiles. The other major city in Northern Ireland is Londonderry (72,334). Political Divisions. Northern Ireland is divided into 26 districts. Each district is governed by an elected council. Religion. Religious affiliation has been a key determinant in Northern Ireland"s history, politics, and social life since the 17th century. At various times it has determined access to voting and jobs, standards of living, and education. In modern times it has come to symbolize the differences between the descendants of the original Irish inhabitants and those of the settler community. The descendants of the Scottish and English settlers are predominantly Protestant; those of the original Irish inhabitants are overwhelmingly Roman Catholic. In the early 1990s, almost 51 percent of the population regarded themselves as Protestant, and almost 39 percent as Roman Catholic. The Roman Catholics are the largest single denomination. The largest Protestant denominations are the Presbyterian, the Church of Ireland, and the Methodist. Unlike England, Northern Ireland has no established, or state, church. The Church of Ireland, at one time a branch of the Church of England, was disassociated from the state in 1871.

Education. Education in Northern Ireland is free and compulsory for children between the ages of 5 and 15. The educational system is essentially similar to that of England. In the early 1990s Northern Ireland had nearly 1100 primary schools, annually attended by approximately 191,000 pupils and staffed by more than 8200 teachers. Secondary and special schools numbered about 275 and were attended by about 147,000 students taught by 10,300 instructors. The country has two universities: Queen"s University of Belfast, founded as Queen"s College in 1845, and the University of Ulster (1984), with campuses in Coleraine, Belfast, Jordanstown, and Londonderry. The total annual university enrollment in the early 1990s was about 17,000. Two colleges, the Belfast College of Technology (1901) and the Union Theological College (1978), are in Belfast.

Culture. Originally, Northern Ireland was culturally indistinguishable from the remainder of Ireland. However, with the waves of colonization from England and Scotland during the 17th century, the northeastern province of Ulster evolved a distinctive cultural identity. The settlers, who came to form a majority in the region, were British in culture and tradition, and Protestant in religion; their descendants are committed to keeping the province constitutionally allied with Great Britain. The Irish inhabitants, in a minority and for centuries politically and economically marginalized, had as their goal the reunification of the island of Ireland. In addition, Northern Ireland is considerably more urbanized and industrialized than the Republic of Ireland. Northern Ireland shares the early cultural glories of all Ireland. To Ulster belongs one of the two great cycles of Irish myths that contain the exploits of CЯ Chulainn and the tragic story of Deirdre (see Gaelic Literature). There is a thriving theatrical movement in Belfast, and much literary activity. Belfast is the base of Opera Northern Ireland, which presents seasons at the Grand Opera House in the city, and also tours the province. A ballet company is based in the capital, as is the Belfast Philharmonic Society, one of Britain"s leading choral societies. The Ulster Symphony Orchestra is among the leading orchestras of Britain. Queen"s University hosts the annual Belfast Festival. Northern Ireland has two national museums: the Ulster Museum in Belfast, which houses a collection of Irish antiquities; and the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum in Holywood, County Down.

Economy. Northern Ireland"s gross domestic product in 1992 was about $18.3 billion. In general, the economy of Northern Ireland is based on agriculture and manufacturing and is closely tied to that of Great Britain as a whole; almost half of manufacturing output is sold to the rest of Britain; one quarter is sold locally. Northern Ireland has been particularly hard hit by the decline of traditional industries like shipbuilding, on which much of its prosperity and many jobs depended. The lack of economic opportunities, particularly for young people, played a role in the sectarian conflicts of the 1970s. At the same time, however, the threat of terrorism hindered efforts to attract investment and create new jobs in the 1980s. Considerable public expenditure has been devoted to urban renewal in Belfast and Londonderry. Various agencies have been established to attract new companies and encourage small business, backed by tax and other incentives. Helped by moves towards a peaceful settlement of the sectarian violence, several important new investments were announced in the early 1990s. Public finance comes predominantly from taxes (50 percent in 1994) and government grants in aid from Great Britain (41 percent); Northern Ireland also received considerable funding from the European Union.

Agriculture. Small farms predominate in Northern Ireland, and production generally includes both crops and livestock. Livestock on farms in the early 1990s numbered approximately 1.5 million cattle, 2.6 million sheep, 588,000 pigs, and 12.3 million poultry. The leading crops in the country were potatoes, barley, hay, oats, turnips, apples, and pears. Forestry and Fishing. Northern Ireland is sparsely forested, but the state afforestation program has made considerable progress, and in the early 1980s about 60,000 cu m (about 2.1 million cu ft) of timber were felled annually. The annual catch of fish and shellfish in the early 1990s was about 15,000 metric tons. Saltwater fishing is centered on the eastern coast, principally off Newcastle; the most important species caught include herring, whiting, and scallops. Freshwater fisheries operate in Lough Neagh, Lough Erne, and Upper Lough Erne; the species caught include salmon, trout, eel, and pollan.

Mining and Manufacturing. Mining and quarrying are relatively unimportant economic activities in Northern Ireland. They employed only about 6200 workers in the late 1980s. The chief minerals are basalt, sand and gravel, peat, chalk, limestone, and granite. Manufacturing is a major source of the national product. In the early 1990s the industrial output of Northern Ireland was about 18 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP). Manufacturing and construction accounted for about one-fifth of the employed work force. Traditionally, the leading industries of Northern Ireland have been the manufacture of textiles and clothing. Linen is the most important textile manufactured; cotton cloth and fabrics woven of synthetic fibers rank next in importance. Shipbuilding and the manufacture of aircraft also are major industries; large shipyards are located in Belfast. Other manufactures include textile machinery, electrical and electronic equipment, processed food, liquor, tobacco products, and chemicals.

External Trade. About 80 percent of Northern Ireland"s external trade is with Great Britain, and the British pound is the legal tender of Northern Ireland. A large portion of the exports to Great Britain is transshipped to other countries, however. Northern Ireland exports linen goods, textiles, clothing, machinery, and food, notably meat, potatoes, and dairy products. Imports consist chiefly of petroleum and other fuels, raw materials and metals, produce, and an assortment of manufactured goods. Transportation and Communications Northern Ireland has about 23,730 km (about 14,745 mi) of roads, including 113 km (70 mi) of motorway. The Northern Ireland Railways Company provided passenger service on 357 km (222 mi) of railroad track. Daily steamship and airline services connect Belfast with the rest of the United Kingdom. Northern Ireland has three daily newspapers, the Belfast Telegraph, the Irish News, and the News Letter, all published in Belfast. In the early 1990s they had a combined daily circulation of about 272,000.

Labor. The system of labor relations in Northern Ireland is based on the same principles as that of Great Britain. A major proportion of trade unionists in Northern Ireland are members of trade unions with headquarters in Great Britain. Government. Northern Ireland, an integral part of Great Britain, elects members (now 17) to the British House of Commons. In recent years some of those elected have chosen not to go to London (usually in order to protest the domestic situation). The Government of Ireland Act, passed by the British Parliament in 1920 and modified by several subsequent agreements between Northern Ireland and Great Britain, is the country"s basic constitutional document. In 1972, however, because of political and religious strife, London imposed direct rule. A 1973 act gave Northern Ireland much local autonomy, while Great Britain retained control over defense, foreign policy, currency, tariffs, and communications. In January 1974, direct rule was relinquished, but it was reimposed again that same year. The office of governor and the Northern Ireland Parliament were abolished, and the secretary of state for Northern Ireland became the head of government. The 78-member assembly that met from 1982 to 1986 had only reviewing and consulting responsibility. In 1985, an agreement granted the Republic of Ireland a limited role in governing Northern Ireland and set up an intergovernmental conference of British and Irish cabinet ministers. Judiciary. The highest court is the Supreme Court of Judicature of Northern Ireland, which consists of the High Court, the Court of Appeal, and the Crown Court. Lower courts include county courts with criminal and civil jurisdiction and magistrates" courts for minor offenses.

Local Government. Northern Ireland is divided into 26 districts for the purposes of local government. Each district is run by a council responsible for a variety of administrative functions. Political Parties. The Ulster Unionist Party governed Northern Ireland from 1921 to 1972. More recently, the party has split into two groups; the Official Unionist and the Democratic Unionist; the latter are opposed to any compromise on Northern Ireland"s future in relation to Great Britain and the most hostile to the Republic of Ireland. The other main political parties are the Social Democratic and Labour Party, which supports peaceful reunification with Ireland, the Alliance Party, and Sinn Fein, the political wing of the outlawed Irish Republican Army. Until 1994 Sinn Fein was excluded from talks between Britain and the Republic of Ireland on the future of Northern Ireland because it refused to denounce violence. However, its candidates participated in local and national elections.

Topic: Unforgettable Ireland

Тема: Незабываемая Ирландия

Ireland. What associations do you have with this country? Some people will exactly state the island, but there are individuals, who can be puzzled by existence of this republic, as this word is commonly used with Northern Ireland, an indispensable part of Great Britain. It is a well-developed country with its customs, traditions, way of life. It borders in the north on Britain and is greatly influenced by it, but Ireland is an independent country .

Ирландия. Какие ассоциации вызывает у вас эта страна? Некоторые люди будут называть остров, но есть лица, которые могут быть озадачены существованием такой Республики, так как это слово используется с названием Северной Ирландии, части Великобритании. Это развитая страна с ее обычаями, традициями, образом жизни. Она граничит с Великобританией на севере, и она оказывает большое влияние на нее, но Ирландия - независимая страна признанная многими другими странами.

Ireland is located on the island in the Atlantic Ocean in the west of Europe. The area of the whole state comprises more than 70,000 km2, in average 14,000 km2. Apart from the ocean the island is also washed by the Irish Sea, the North Channel and the St. George’s Channel. The location of the island determines its climate, which is temperate and usually maritime. The relief of Ireland is rather plain in the center and mountainous in the outer rim. The highest point of the isle is over 1,000 m above the sea level.

Ирландия расположена в Западной Европе на острове в Атлантическом океане. Общая площадь Республики составляет более 70 000 км2, в то время как площадь Северной Ирландии составляет около 14 000 км2. Помимо океана остров омывается Ирландским морем, проливом Святого Георга и Северным каналом. Положение острова определяет его климат, который является умеренным и морским. Рельеф страны равнинный в центральной части и горный по внешнему ободу. Самая высокая точка составляет более 1000 метров над уровнем моря.

The population comprises more than 3 million people. Their in 21 cities and towns, while about 40% of people prefer a rural scenery. Due to some historical background the population of this country has one more subdivision. It is connected with the nationality, origin and language. Though Ireland previously used to be in the UK, nowadays almost all people consider themselves Irish, but the state has 2 official languages: English and Irish. Irish people , so to touch people while talking, but humor is an indispensable characteristic of the nation.

Население составляет более 3 миллионов человек. Большее их число городские, живущие в 21 городе и поселке, в то время как около 40% предпочитают сельские пейзажи. В силу некоторых исторических предпосылок население страны имеет еще одно разделение. Это связано с национальностью, происхождением и языком. Хотя Ирландия была частью Великобритании, в наше время почти все люди считают себя Ирландцами, но страна имеет два официальных языка: английский и ирландский. Ирландцы ценят личное пространство, поэтому не принято прикасаться друг к другу во время разговора, но юмор является неотъемлемой характеристикой нации.

The republic is divided into 29 counties and five cities. Dublin is the capital of the country. The main symbols of Ireland are its three-color flag, the shamrock clover and the green color.

Страна разделена на 29 округов и пять городов. Дублин-столица страны. Главными символами Ирландии являются ее трехцветный флаг, трилистник клевера и зеленый цвет.

Being a parliamentary democracy Ireland is headed by the elected president. The Parliament of Ireland consists of two houses: the House of Representatives and Senate. The official document is the Constitution, but all adopted laws must correspond with the European Community obligations. The executive power is in the hands of the Prime Minister and the cabinet known as the Government, while the judicial one is headed by the Supreme Court. Though in this republic, the Catholic Church is considered special.

Республика является парламентской демократией во главе с избранным президентом. Парламент состоит из двух палат: Палаты представителей и Сената. Официальный документ - это Конституция, а все законы должны соответствовать обязательствам с Европейским сообществом. Исполнительная власть принадлежит премьер-министру и кабинету, известному как правительство, а судебной властью руководит Верховный Суд. Хотя в стране нет официальной религии, католическая церковь считается особенной.

Основными отраслями страны являются предоставление услуг, производство и строительство, сельское хозяйство, рыболовство и лесное хозяйство. Влиятельными также считаются пивоварение, одежда, текстиль, информационные технологии, финансы и, конечно, туризм.

Ireland is regarded to be a country with a high cultural level and many tourists arrive annually there. Its architecture is rather various including ancient castles, eye-catching thatched cottages, rococo country houses, magnificent cathedrals and contemporary buildings. It is a motherland of famous artists and sculptors, poets and writers, physicists and mathematicians, and even Nobel laureates.

Ирландия - это страна с высоким культурным уровнем, и множество туристов ежегодно приезжают туда. Ее архитектура весьма разнообразна, включая старинные замки, крытые соломой коттеджи, загородные дома в стиле рококо, величественные соборы и современные здания. Это родина знаменитых художников и скульпторов, поэтов и писателей, физиков и математиков, и даже Нобелевских лауреатов.

It has numerous unique sights attracting guests from each part of the world. Boyne Valley is a place with ancient tombs, which are even older than the Egyptian Pyramids. December, 21 is an unforgettable day, as one of these tombs a beam of light shining through the roof and those, who have seen it, say that it forever. The Cliffs of Moher provide a breathtaking view of the seacoast and the entire isle. The Giant"s Causeway is one more interesting place with more than 40,000 basalt columns located in the coastal area. They are considered a homeland of the giant, but scientists proved that they had appeared due to the volcanic eruption. The Aran Islands can give an opportunity to appear for more than several centuries, made of limestone plates and a paradise for botanists and geologists. For fans of urban leisure activities Ireland suggests the Guinness Storehouse with its incredible building, which is constructed in a shape of the glass and provides of the drink, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, the largest religious cathedral in Dublin and a residence many different historical events, and Croke Park, one of the largest stadiums in Europe

Она имеет ряд уникальных достопримечательностей, привлекающих посетителей со всего мира. Долина Бойне - это место с древними могилами, которые старше египетских пирамид. 21 декабря - незабываемый день, когда одна из гробниц освещается пучком света, пробивающимся через крышу и те, кто видели его, говорят, что он остается в памяти навсегда. Скалы Мохер обеспечат наиболее захватывающий вид на побережье и весь остров. Дорога гигантов является еще одним интересным местом с более чем 40 000 базальтовых колонн, расположенных в прибрежной зоне. Они по праву считаются родиной одного гиганта, но ученые доказали, что они появились из-за извержения вулкана. Острова Аран могут дать возможность оказаться в районе, где ничего не менялось в течение более чем нескольких столетий, в то время как Буррен - это известный природный памятник из плит известняка и рай для ботаников и геологов. Для любителей городского отдыха Ирландия предлагает Гиннесс с его невероятным зданием, которое имеет форму стакана и где проводят исторический обзор напитка, Собор Святого Патрика, самый большой храм в Дублине и место проведения многих исторических событий, и Кроук Парк, четвертый по величине стадион в Европе, который дает шанс посмотреть игры в херлинг или Гэльский футбол вместе с ирландцами.

Ирландия ( [ˈaɪrlənd ]) – остров (island ), расположенный к северо-востоку от континентальной Европы. Третий по величине в Европе и двадцатый на Земле, этот остров отделен от Великобритании Ирландским морем (the Irish Sea ).

Население (population )

Ирландия – не единая страна. На острове находятся два независимых государства – Ирландская Республика (the Republic of Ireland ), которая занимает около 5/6 площади и Северная Ирландия (Northern Ireland ), которая является частью Великобритании и находится на северо-востоке. Население Ирландии составляет около 6,4 миллиона человек. Из них 4,6 миллиона живет в Ирландской Республике и лишь 1,8 миллиона - в Северной Ирландии.

Климат (climate )

Мягкий океанический климат (oceanic climate ), невысокие горы (low mountains ) и отсутствие резких перепадов температуры (temperature drops ) способствуют пышной растительности (lush vegetation ) на острове. Вплоть до 17 столетия густые леса (thick forests ) покрывали большую часть площади Ирландии, однако сейчас, в результате деятельности человека, практически все леса исчезли (deforested ).

Известные символы (famous symbols )

Символами Ирландии являются арфа, струны которой рождают известную во всем мире кельтскую музыку, кельтский крест (the Celtic cross ) и лист белого клевера - трилистник (Shamrock ). Также страна является родиной сказочного персонажа лепрекона (leprechaun ) - небольшого коренастого человечка в зеленых одеждах.

Религия (religion )

Большая часть (majority ) населения является католиками (Catholics ) - 88%.

Столица (capital )

Дублин (Dublin ) был основан (was founded ) викингами в 988 году н.э.. Оригинальное название - Dubh Linn (от ирландского dubh - чёрный, и linn - заводь, пруд).

Языки (languages )

Ирландия – двуязычная (bilingual ) страна. Население говорит на двух языках – английском (English ) и ирландском (Irish ). Ирландский язык принадлежит к кельтской языковой группе с индоевропейскими корнями и также именуется гэльским (Gaelic ). Длительное время страна находилась под контролем Британии, и местный язык практически перестал использоваться, за исключением некоторых областей на западе Ирландии. После провозглашения независимости Свободного Ирландского Государства в 1922 году правительство стремилось восстановить использование ирландского языка населением. Его начали преподавать в школе, а также использовать наряду с английским в государственном делопроизводстве, дорожных знаках и т. д. Однако английский по-прежнему остается основным (сommonly used ) языком страны. Лишь на незначительной части территории, называемой the Gaeltacht и расположенной вдоль западного побережья, ирландский находится в повседневном использовании (in everyday use ). Проведенный в 1995 году национальный опрос установил, что только 5% ирландцев часто используют ирландский язык и только 2% считают его своим родным языком (native tongue ). Однако более 30% населения утверждает, что в той или иной степени владеют гэльским.

Ирландский акцент (Irish accent )

Ирландский английский – певучий и музыкальный, и есть в нем что-то завораживающее, сродни грохоту волн, вою ветра и переливу струн арфы. И хотя в Ирландии говорят на блестящем английском, ирландский акцент неистребим. И основная причина тому – влияние главенствующего долгое время ирландского языка (Irish ).

Примером отличия от других native speakers может быть то, как ирландцы произносят звук th [ θ , ð ]. Они не утруждают себя манипуляциями с языком и продуванием воздуха между зубами, а просто заменяют на t (глухой звук) или d (звонкий звук). Так, фраза “So do you see the thirty trees over there? That’s right! ” прозвучит как “So do ya see the tirty trees over dere? Dat’s right! ”.

Также, ирландцы уважают гласные (vowels ). В отличие от германских и славянских языков, где возможно нагромождение согласных без единой гласной, в ирландском английском слово film , например, будет звучать как fill-um , а ирландское имя Colm состоит из двух слогов.

Особенности ирландского английского (Peculiarities of Irish English )

Естественно, в ирландском варианте английского существуют свои особенности.

Например, вместо того, чтобы говорить на каком-либо языке, ирландцы имеют его. Вместо того, чтобы сказать, “I speak Irish ” (я говорю по-ирландски), ирландец скажет “I have Irish ”.

Или, вместо “to have just done ” для обозначения только что завершенного действия в Ирландии говорят “to be after doing ”. Например: I’m after finding a euro on the road! = I’ve just found a euro on the road.

Еще одной интересной особенностью является то, что многие ирландцы не употребляют слова да (yes ) и нет (no ). Вместо этого просто повторяется глагол из вопроса. (Can you swim? - I can! Do you like tomato juice? - I don’t ).

Ирландские пословицы (Irish Proverbs )

Ирландцы славятся своей проницательностью и чувством юмора. Подтверждением тому служат пословицы Изумрудного Острова.

Man is incomplete until he marries. After that, he is finished. – Мужчина несовершенен до тех пор, пока не женится. После этого с ним покончено.

What butter and whiskey will not cure, there is no cure for. – То, что не вылечат масло и виски, невозможно вылечить вообще.

Three things come without asking: fear, jealousy, and love. – Три вещи приходят без спросу – страх, ревность и любовь.

It is sweet to drink but bitter to pay for. – Сладко пить, да горько платить. (Мягко стелет да жестко спать.)

Idleness is a fool"s desire. – Безделье – желание дурака.

A diplomat must always think twice before he says nothing. – Дипломат должен подумать дважды, перед тем как промолчать.

A change of work is as good as a rest. – Смена работы так же хороша, как отдых.

Cheerfulness is a sign of wisdom. – Жизнерадостность – признак мудрости.

Listen to the sound of the river and you will get a trout. – Прислушайся к звуку реки и ты получишь форель.

Забавные факты об Ирландии (Fun facts about Ireland )

И, напоследок, несколько интересных фактов про эту замечательную страну:

  • Самое длинное название в Ирландии принадлежит городку Muckanaghederdauhaulia , расположенному в County Galway .
  • Древняя Ирландская традиция – на день рождения перевернуть именинника, поднять его за ноги и несколько раз легонько ударить об пол, на удачу. Число ударов должно соответствовать возрасту ребенка плюс один год.
  • Традиционное лечение похмелья (hangover cure ) по-ирландски: закопать страдающего во влажный речной песок по шею. (I’ll just take the hangover, thanks. :-))
  • В старые времена свинье часто позволяли жить в доме вместе с семьей на ирландской ферме. Его (или ее) обычно называли “the gentleman who pays the rent ” (господин, который платит аренду).
  • Самый почитаемый в Ирландии святой – Патрик (St. Patrick ) был не самым образованным человеком и, говорят, стеснялся своих слабых навыков в письме.
  • Джеймс Джойс (James Joyce ) однажды назвал ирландское темное пиво Guinness «вином Ирландии».
  • Титаник был построен в северной Ирландии.
  • Количество овец, обитающих на Изумрудном острове, превышает его население. В 2010 году оно составляло около 8 миллионов. И даже дорожные пробки, как видно на видео, возникают именно из-за них:-)

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Ireland is an island on the west side of Europe. The capital of Ireland is Dublin. There are about 5 million people in the Republic of Ireland. It is a small country but a lot of people know about it. In many countries there are Irish priests and nuns.

People left Ireland to find work in those countries and they stayed there. All over the world there are people with Irish blood.

The country is in two parts. The larger part, the Republic of Ireland, is in the south. The smaller part of Ireland, Northern Ireland, is part of the United Kingdom and its big city is Belfast. Like a lot of other countries, Ireland had sad and difficult times, but it had good times too.

The Irish are kind and polite people, they welcome strangers. The Irish love to talk. Ireland is a beautiful country with fine lakes, tall mountains and attractive beaches. It has two great rivers. It is a very green country. It is green partly because it rains too much.

Ireland is a country of good butter, good beer and good horses. People come from all over the world to buy Irish horses, from Europe, from America, from Arab countries and from the Far East. Ireland also has its manufacturing industry.


Ирландия — остров на западе Европы. Столица Ирландии — Дублин. Население Республики Ирландии составляет более 5 миллионов человек. Это маленькая страна, но она известна многим людям. Во многих странах есть ирландские священники и монахи.

Люди покидали Ирландию, чтобы найти работу в других странах, и оставались там. По всему миру разбросаны люди с ирландской кровью.

Страна состоит из двух частей. Большая часть, Ирландская Республика, находится на юге. Меньшая часть Ирландии, Северная Ирландия, — часть Соединенного Королевства, самый большой город там — Белфаст. Как и во многих других странах, в Ирландии были печальные и трудные времена, но хорошие времена были также.

Ирландцы добрые и вежливые люди, они хорошо встречают незнакомцев. Ирландцы любят поболтать. Ирландия — прекрасная страна с красивыми озерами, большими горами и привлекательными пляжами. Здесь находятся две большие реки. Это очень зеленая страна. Она зеленая отчасти потому, что здесь идет много дождей.

Ирландия — страна хорошего масла, пива и лошадей. Люди со всего мира приезжают покупать ирландских лошадей: из Европы, Америки, арабских стран и с Дальнего Востока. Ирландия также известна обрабатывающей промышленностью.

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Ireland Essay, Research Paper

IrelandIreland is an island country lying to the west of Great Britian. Itis separated from Great Britain by St. George’s Channel, the Irish Seaand the Northern Channel. At its greatest length, from northeast tosouthwest, it measures three hundred and two miles. The first humansettlements on the island on the northeastern edge of Europe were maderelatively late in European prehistory, about six thousand B.C. Itremained relatively uninhabited and uninvaded. The only knowledge ofthis Ireland is through references in Greek and Roman literature andpagan legends that survived into the Christian period. Sometime betweensix hundred and one hundred fifty B.C. Celtic peoples from westernEurope, Known as Gaels, invaded and subdued the inhabitants. The basic units of the Gaelic society were the tuatha, which werepetty kingdoms. They remained independent of each other but shared thesame common language, Gaelic. There were also a class of men calledbrehons, “who were learned in customary laws and helped topreserve throughout Ireland a uniform yet archaic social system.”(Grolier) One reason for the unique nature of their society was that theRomans, who had transformed the Celtic societies of Britain and othersocieties with their armies, roads, administrative system and townstructures, never tried to conquer Ireland. A result of Ireland’s isolation from RomanizedEurope was the development of a distinctive Celtic type of Christianity.While Saint Patrick introduced Latin Christianity into the country inthe fifth century, the system of bishops with territorial dioceses which wasmodeled on the Roman’s administrative system, it could not find securityin Ireland at the time.(Grolier) Though the independent tuath remainedthe basic unit of Gaelic secular society, the sovereign monastery becamethe basic unit of Celtic Christianity. During the sixth and seventhcenturies Irish monasteries were great centers of learning. Suchmissionaries as Saint Columba and Saint Columban were sent out to therest of Europe. While the rest of Europe was in the Dark Ages, thiswas Ireland’s golden age.(Grolier)In the late Eighth century, Vikings from Scandinavia began toraid Ireland. The other parts of Europe about this time wereresponding to the pressures of the invasions by developing the system offeudalism. However, the Gaelic society did not lend itself to suchdevelopments because it lacked the heritage of Roman law that providedthe framework for the feudal system.(Grolier) The complex and detailedkinship arrangements in which both property-holding and succession toleadership roles were regulated by brehon laws. This impaired theexchange of land for military service, a basic bargain underlying feudalsystems. Eventually, the Gaelic society managed to organize resistance. In1014, Irish forces led by King Brian Boru decisively defeated theVikings at the Battle of Contarf. King Brian was giving the title ” highking of Ireland “. (Grolier) During Brian’ s tenure (1002-14) his powerthroughout much of the island was insignificant. Without theinfrastructure of feudalism he was unable to make the transition fromsymbolic kingship to effective monarch, which was beginning in other partsof Europe.(Grolier) Though the Vikings were gone, they left their markupon the island by founding Ireland’s first cities, including

Dublin, Limerick and Waterford. The unity experienced under Brian had long disappeared by thetime Ireland faced her next challenge. It came from, the highly effectivefeudal monarchy founded by William the Conqueror after his invasion ofthat country in 1066 from Normandy (Grolier), England. In 1171,Henry II, a descendant of William, took advantage of a letter fromPope Adrian IV. It authorized Henry to make himself overlord ofIreland in order to bring the Irish Church more “in line with Romanstandards.”(Grolier) Many Anglo-Norman barons along with theirretainers had already seized large parts of Ireland when Henry himselfwent to the island accompanied by an army to receive formal submissionof those barons and most Irish Kings. In those areas where the Anglo-Norman barons settled andscattered the native Gaelic aristocracy, a feudal system was establishedsimilar to their native English and Norman lands. However, it was notan effective centralized monarchy like the Norman feudalism favoredin England. (Grolier) The English government was usually distractedand did issue much authority to the colony. Ireland was mainly dividedinto three concentric regions in this time: 1. Dublin and its immediatearea, it was the only area where the English exercised any authority; 2. a broad area of territories beyond Dublin which where semi-independent fiefs of the great Anglo-Norman lords; 3. territories on thewestern coast of Ireland that retained Gaelic customs and remainedcompletely outside of the English rule. (Grolier)The English colony in Ireland reached its peak in the earlyfourteenth century. The Gaelic society was enjoying a considerableresurgence. Not only by winning back territories from the colonists butthrough the change of the Anglo-Normans into an ” Anglo-Irish “aristocracy. As Anglo-Normans intermarried with the natives andadopted the Gaelic language and customs, they progressively became to be” more Irish than the Irish “. (Grolier – O’Brien,34)The Anglo-Norman conquest hurried reforms that brought theIrish church more in line with Roman standards. English legal practicesand civil administration were introduced. Additionally, an Irishparliament, modeled on the English one, was created in the latethirteenth century. (Grolier)By the end of the Middle Ages it became clear that the Anglo-Norman conquest was a failure. In the sixteenth century the Englishmonarchs, Henry VIII, Mary I and Elizabeth I, made concertedefforts to reconquer Ireland by use of military and by the establishment orplantation of colonies of English settlers upon the island.(O’Brien,36)However, Henry’s ties between the Church of England and the papacycomplicated the attempts of reconquest. In Ireland, unlike England,there was practically no inherent sympathy with the Protestantreformers among either the Gaelic-Irish or the Anglo-Irish.Consequently, the trans-formation of the Church of Ireland into aProtestant church was rejected overwhelming by the majority of thepopulation. (Grolier)

1. De Vere White, Terence. Ireland. New York: Walker and Company. 1968. 2. ” Ireland “. Collier’s Encyclopedia. volume 11, pages 131-144 1959 ed. 3. ” Ireland “. Encyclopedia Britannica .volume 12, pages 592-620 1951 ed. 4. ” Ireland, history of. medieval Ireland”. Grolier MultimediaEncyclopedia. Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc. 1995 ed. 5. O’Brien, Elinor. The land and people of Ireland. Philadelphia & New York: JB Lippincott Co. 1953